
iconOn line Rating

The CBSE in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MoHRD), Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) and the Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (formerly known as GTZ) has introduced the `National School Sanitation Initiative’ and the aim is to inculcate good sanitation habits among the school children in order to inspire, acquaint and celebrate excellence in towards School Sanitation at the National Level. 
To facilitate best sanitation practices in the schools, CBSE in collaboration with MoHRD & GIZ has also adopted National School Sanitation Manual.  MoUD has adopted this manual as well.
Accordingly, Outline School Sanitation Ratings have been instituted with the purpose of recognizing those schools who are taking significant steps towards effective sanitation and improvement in service delivery leading to the desired behavioral and attitudinal changes towards hygiene & sanitation. 
As furtherance to the National School Sanitation Initiative it has been decided that all the CBSE schools will be rated accordingly to their sanitation status in five color categories which are as follows :   



Remarks:Sanitary Provisions and Conditions are in the state of: 

91% - 100% of the Norms


Excellent Keep it up!!

75%- 90% adherence to the Norms


Very Good, but there is a scope for improvement

50%-74%  adherence to the Norms


Fair: Can Improve

34%- 49% adherence to the Norms


Poor: Needs considerable Improvement

Below 33% adherence to the Norms


Grim: Needs Immediate attention

In order to ease out the School Sanitation Ratings, the entire process has been made online and the schools are expected to register themselves and obtain a sanitation rating for them by following the due process.
If any school improves its sanitation situation by appropriate means, it can obtain a fresh certificate after a gap of two months from the date of issue of the earlier rating certificate. 
All the schools are also directed to display their current sanitation ratings in the form of a colored circle  at the right hand corner of all their correspondence.


"Waves of Change Programme!"
What it is?
  • Talent Hunt - YES!! Become a meteor!!
  • Sanitation - YES! Stay Clean!
  • Culture & Heritage - YES! Know your Legacy
  • Performing Arts - Set the Stage on Fire!
  • Visual Arts - The Eyes of the beholder??
  • New Ideas - Get them Going!
  • Sports - Ya ya ya...
A great chance to put your school at the national map!!
Great opportunities for the students!
Learning Curve!!
Earn while you Learn???
- Really!!!???
Click here to see WOC CBSE Circular

Annexure A

Annexure B

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